About the Commission

The Literature, Publishing and Translation Commission was established in February 2020 (10/6/1441 AH).

The role of the Commission is to regulate and manage the literature, publishing and translation sectors in the Kingdom.

Our purpose is to work towards the goals of Vision 2030 and the Saudi National Culture Strategy: promoting our culture as a way of life, enabling it to contribute towards economic growth, and creating opportunities for international cultural exchange.

The Commission will seek to develop sector capability and support content production. We will improve the legislative environment to advance these three important arts, as well as encouraging investment and involvement of the non-profit sector.



The Commission’s mission is to provide an ecosystem that inspires creativity, boosts output quality and enhances the reader’s experience. The Commission will support the Saudi publishing industry to attract investment and become internationally competitive. In addition, it seeks to professionalize the translation sector in accordance with the highest global standards, promoting international cultural exchange and enriching Arabic content. To achieve these goals, the Commission will develop dynamic partnerships, expert practitioners and innovative techniques.


A renewed literary spirit, a sophisticated publishing industry and professional translation sector.


Development of the literature, publishing and translation sectors:

  • Enriching content and promoting LPT locally and internationally
  • Promoting reading
  • Developing a sustainable LPT ecosystem
  • Communicating effectively with stakeholders.
Developing financial and operational efficiency:
  • Ensuring a sustainable sector
  • Ensuring the highest standards of efficiency and quality.
  • Utilizing technology, innovation and supporting a digital transformation.
  • Building and activating partnerships with the governmental, private and non-profit sectors, locally and internationally.
Developing the efficiency of human capital:
  • Attracting, developing and motivating talent
  • Providing a creative ecosystem that encourages exchange and supports productivity.

Literature Sector

Publishing Sector

Translation Sector

Literature Commission

The literature sector supports the creation of literary content by enhancing writers’ skills, increasing awareness of literary genres and promoting reading habits.


A sustainable wealth of literature.

Strategic Objectives

  • Promoting the quality and diversity of literary content.
  • Creating a stimulating environment for literary production.
  • Supporting criticism and philosophy.
  • Supporting children’s and adolescent literature.
  • Enhancing the value of literature in an individual's life.

Publisher Commission

The publishing sector oversees the regulation and development of the publishing industry in line with international standards. It will support the publication of Saudi books, including print, audio and e-books, both locally and internationally and will be responsible for organizing international book fairs.


An advanced publishing industry.

Strategic Objectives

  • Supporting publication of Saudi books, locally and internationally.
  • Organizing Saudi book fairs to the highest standards.
  • Diversifying publishing methods in line with market needs.
  • Developing the capabilities of Saudi publishing houses and raising their competitiveness, regionally and globally.
  • Increasing investment in the Saudi publishing market.
  • Regulating the local publishing market and improving its work environment.

Translation Commission

The translation sector seeks to be a regional and global competitor, becoming a pioneer in the Arab world. It also supports the promotion of cultural exchange through the translation of Arabic texts into a range of different languages enabling Saudi literature to reach global audiences.


A professional translation sector.

Strategic Objectives

  • Enriching content and reaching local and international audiences.
  • Diversifying publishing methods in line with market needs.
  • Developing the translation sector system to enhance competitiveness and sustainability.